Sedikit sumbangan petua....semoga beroleh manfaat & keberkatan dari Allah...Allahua'lam.
Dipetuakan bahawa bawang putih yang sudah sedia dikupas kulit itu mahulah dicucuk dengan jarum biar berlubang-lubang beberapa tempat kemudian berikan perempuan menaruhnya pada farajnya (kemaluannya) selama 1 malam kemudian buang keluar bawang putih tersebut lalu terus disetubuhkan dengannya pada waktu pagi jika sekiranya berbau mulutnya maka itulah tanda mandul, tetapi jika tiada berbau bawang putih dimulutnya alamatnya ia mengandung.
Perhatikanlah pada 2 buku lali perempuan yang mengandung kalau kelihatan licin putih bersih menandakan bahawa kandungannya anak lelaki, sekiranya kalau kelihatan kehijauan alamatnya anak perempuan, Wallahu alam bilghaib.
Kalau hendak tahu anak di dalam perut itu putra atau putri cubalah orang yang mengandung itu perahkan susunya di dalam satu bekas kemudian masukkan seekor tuma ke dalamnya, sekiranya serangga tuma itu keluar daripada air susu itu alamatnya akan dapat anak perempuan, jika tiada keluar daripada air susu itu maka sahlah anak itu lelaki, menurut petua di dalam kitab Tazhatul Majalis.
Menurut petua cara hendak membesarkan zakar (syahwatnya) yang kecil mahulah diurut-urutkannya dengan air panas yang suam-suam sebelum daripada jimak (bersetubuh) sehingga kelihatan merah kemudian dilumurkan dengan halia yang sudah dibuatkan jem, InsyaAllah tak lama besar dan tersangatlah lazat isterinya dalam masa belayar hingga khayal.
Supaya si isteri merasai nikmat kelazatan hidup di dalam syurga dunia mahulah diambil air liur ditengah-tengah lidah, bacalah doa ini serta diurut-urut 3 kali sebelum bersetubuh, Lemak manis citarasa peninggalan tuk Adam si (nama) lazat kepadaku sampai mati kemudian ambil air tepi lidah sambil diurut-urutkan senjata sulit si isteri bacalah pula Lemak manis citarasa peninggalan tuk Adam si (nama) lazat kepada aku sampai mati. Sambil belayar tegakkan lidah ke atas langit-langit dan niatkan zakar aku tegak keras selama mana aku tegakkan lidah ini.
Supaya isteri sentiasa merasa nikmat kesukaan dalam masa melayarkan bahtera mahulah di ambil halia padi, akar peria, cekur, sedikit kapur barus dan hempedu ayam hitam maka diasahkan kesemuanya kemudian sapukan pada zakar dan baru bawa setubuh, insyaAllah khayallah ia.
Kalau si perempuan lambat keluar air maninya carilah hempedu pelanduk, kulit kayu manis dan air madu setelah diasah kesemuanya maka baharulah disapu pada zakar kita dibawa terus berjimak (bersetubuh dengannya) InsyaAllah segeralah keluar maninya.
Jika kita hendak menguji seorang perempuan itu masih ada daranya (bikir) lagi atau sudah bujang hendaklah diambil bawang putih yang telah dibuang kulitnya dan dicucuk-cucukkan jarum pada beberapa tempat kemudian diletakkan bawang itu kepada farajnya (kemaluan perempuan) kadar satu malam, jika didapati bawang putih tadi hilang baunya maka itulah alamat ianya masih dara (bikir) tetapi jika masih ada lagi baunya maka alamatnya menunjukkan ia bujang (sudah tiada dara).
Kalau faraj perempuan selalu berbau busuk maka hendaklah dicari jelatang ayam putih dan kapur barus kemudian digiling lumat-lumat dengan air madu baharulah disapukan pada zakar kita terus bersetubuh dengannya, InsyaAllah harumlah farajnya.
Setengah daripada petua untuk menyempitkan faraj (kemaluan) perempuan yang luas mahulah dicari lengkuas digiling lumat-lumat dengan cuka kemudian diminum pada tiap-tiap pagi selama 3 hari serta disapukan pada ari-ari dan punggungnya, InsyaAllah mujarab boleh mengembalikan bikirnya semula.
Buah manjakani, buah ru serta air mawar jika digiling lumat-lumat semuanya hiingga halus kemudian diramas pula dengan cuka yang masam apabila ditaruh kepada gigi yang reput atau yang selalu berdarah, bernanah atau dimakan ulat, InsyaAllah menjadi teguh dan kuat seperti asal. Apabila hendak bersugi mahulah diisyaratkan dengan perkataan ini (Tanggal lidahku Tanggallah gigiku) InsyaAllah Mujarab.
• Ambil isi buah gurah ditumbuk hingga lumat kemudian dicampur dengan telur ayam serta direndamkan di dalam minyak lepas itu bolehlah diamalkan kadar beberapa hari, InsyaAllah beransur kuranglah penyakit itu.
• Diambil daun labu, mata kunyit dan melukut beras maka digiling semuanya sehingga lumat kemudian sapulah pada ari-ari, InsyaAllah Mujarab.
Diambil halia putih, halia merah, daun sirih masak, bara tempurung dan beras pulut kemudian digoreng tanpa minyak hingga rapuh dan hampir hangus, kemudian digiling semuanya biar lumat-lumat kemudian digaulkan dengan manisan lebah, cubalah ditelan pada tiap-tiap pagi mudah-mudahan beransur-ansur baik penyakit karangnya.
• Mahulah diminum pada tiap-tiap hari - minyak sapi yang terbaik kualitinya di campurkan dengan madu lebah.
• Minyak sapi dan biji kapas hendaklah dicampur dan ditumbuk kemudian disapukan pada rahimnya (kemaluan) InsyaAllah Mujarab.
Petua di atas telah diterjemah oleh den dari kitab jawi lama....Allahua'lam.
Sumbangan petua2 yg lain dari Anda amatlah dialu-alukan
Monday, March 29, 2010
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ReplyDeleteAmbil kulit buah delima dan direbus di dalam periuk hingga mendidih dan kering sepertiga airnya, apakala sudah sejuk cubalah isti’malkan (diamalkan) pada tiap-tiap pagi sebelum memakan apa-apa yang lain, di minum selama 3, 5 atau 7 hari, mudah-mudahan sembuh penyakit itu. InsyaAllah....Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
ReplyDeleteTempat yang banyak perkumpulan binatang kelawar maka ikhtiarnya hendak menghalaukannya hanya sekali iaitu diasapkan dengan belerang biar asap itu menghalakan kea rah perkumpulan binatang kelawar itu tadi.
Petua Hari & Memotong Kuku Tangan
ReplyDeleteMenurut keterangan daripada hadis bahawa memotong kuku hendaklah mempunyai peraturan ada hari yang berbahagia atau celakanya. Al-Syeikh Imam Ghazali memberi petua mahulah dipotong dimulai daripada jari telunjuk yang kanan kemudian jari tengah, jari manis, jari kelingking selepas itu dimulakan pula daripada jari kelingking tangan kiri hingga seterusnya hingga disudahi ibu jari tangan kanan tadi kemudian segala kuku itu mahulah ditanam menurut petuanya, ( Hari sabtu) keluar ubat masuk penyakit, (Hari Ahad) keluar kekayaan masuk kepapaan, (Hari Isnin) keluar penyakit gila masuk kesihatan, (Hari Selasa) keluar rahmat masuk penyakit, (Hari Rabu) keluar was-was masuk kepapaan, (Hari Khamis) keluar gila masuk penawar dan ubat, (Hari Jumaat) keluar segala dosa masuk segala rahmat dan nikmat daripada Allah Subhanahuwataala. Wallahua’lam Bissawab.
ReplyDeleteJika batuk atau lelah mahulah diambil pucuk Ribu-Ribu 3 genggam, bawang putih selabu, lada hitam 17 biji, sedikit garam kemudian dibalut semuanya dengan daun pisang serta diganggang pada bara api sehingga masak selepas itu dimakan hingga habis.
ReplyDeleteMenurut satu petua di dalam Kitab Hayatul Hiwani bahawa susu kuda itu jika di beri minum kepada perempuan dengan tiada ia mengetahui bahawa yang di minum itu ialah susu kuda kemudian mahulah segera disetubuh dengannya InsyaAllah mengandung ia.
ReplyDeleteSeorang yang terlalu kuat pemarah atau terlalu kuat cemburu manakala bertemu dengannya mahulah di baca Al-Fatihah dan Alam Nasyrah hingga akhir 70 kali pada air kemudian dipercikkan ke tubuh badannya atau di beri minum padanya, InsyaAllah sejuklah hatinya.
ReplyDeleteAmalkan dan baca doa ini "Wa nuuruyuusufa alaa wajhii famarraanii yuhibbunii" (Ayat dlm isim khafi) tiap kali lepas ambil air sembahyang tujuh kali, kemudian hembus perlahan-lahan ke tapak tangan dan sapu ke muka mula dari dagu hingga ke hidung, sedut nafas melalui hidung perlahan-lahan dan sudahi sapu naik ke dahi dan kepala. InsyaAllah Mujarab, sudah terbukti.
ReplyDeleteSupaya ayam terhindar penyakit hawar, hendaklah ingat sewaktu hendak membina reban ayam itu satu atau dua kayu pengusung jenazah untuk dipakukan bersama-sama kayu yang lain, seelok-eloknya di bela seekor kera, InsyaAllah sukar sekali ayam-ayam di dalamnya mendapat penyakit hawar, sudah diuji mujarab dengan izin Allah.
ReplyDeleteBaca dan amalkan 7 kali setiap kali lepas solat fardu, hembus pada tapak tangan dan sapu kepala dan isyaratkan buang sakit tersebut, inilah ayat tersebut: Surah Al-Waqiah: Ayat 19
Diambil kepala gores api (mancis) kadar 10 batang, tukul lumat-lumat maka cuba ditaruhkan ke atas tempat yang kena durinya tadi, kemudian dicucuh biarlah ia menyala dengan sekaligus, InsyAllah hilang bisanya, sudah pernah dicuba mujarab.
Supaya segera pecah barah itu, cubalah diambil daun nangka buna, pucuk labu air dan pucuk labu manis, atau salah satu darinya, ditaruh sedikit tahi tembakau, kemudian ditumbuk hingga lumat betul-betul. Maka tampallah dikeliling yang bengkak itu, biar kelihatan lubang pada matanya. Boleh juga guna bawang merah jantan, belah dua bawang dan sapu ke tempat bengkak yang bermata. Mudah-mudahan menjadi manfaat InsyaAllah.
ReplyDeletekalu rumah kayu, boleh dicuba sapu minyak selinder yang dah diguna pakai pada setiap tiang2 dan bahagian papan yang terjejas dek anai2 tu.....kalu disapu sbelum anai2 tu menjajah tiang2 tu lagi baik ibarat kata "sediakan payung sebelum ujan turun"....
kalu rumah batu....kena tebuk lubang sebesar paip air pvc 1/2 inci dalam 6 inci pada setiap penjuru tiang umah (luar rumah) pastu kena masukkan paip pvc 1/2 inci yang sudah ditebuk-tebuk dengan gril.....bila dah masukkan paip pvc tu....masukkan racun anai2 hingga penuh paip pvc tu.....kemudian tutup dengan penutup paip pvc tu....kena lah check setiap 2 bulan samaada racun tu ada lagi ker tak......kalu dah kering tambah la lagi racun tu....kaedah ni kalu upah orang memang mahal bayarannya, silap haribulan tile dalam rumah pun diaorg gril buat kalu rajin, buat lah sendiri slow2, belanja pun jimat.....
Selamat mencuba!.....
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ReplyDelete"tawakal" dalam bahasa arab....."berserah diri" dalam bahasa melayu......
ReplyDeletecontoh: "bismillahi amantu billahi tawakkaltu alallahi wala haulawalaa quwata illa billahil aliyilazim".......
ayat ini sering di baca oleh Hj Daud Bukit Abal apabila ingin memulakan sesuatu perjalanan......sering menyerahkan diri kepada Allah kerana.....
tiada daya melainkan Allah.......dan tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah.....
air wudhu' memang dapat menaikkan seri wajah pada seseorang pengamalnya.....jangan dilap air wudhu' yang basah tu, ia antara petua yang dapat menjernihkan air muka untuk awet muda......saya teringat satu kisah, seorang lelaki yang berdoa....apabila selesai berdoa, dia tidak menyapu tangannya ke muka tetapi terus menyapu tangannya ke dinding....akhirnya pada suatu hari dalam tempoh yang agak pemuda melihat di dinding itu seakan bercahaya-cahaya......kelihatan memancarkan akan sesuatu seri....akhirnya fahamlah si pemuda tersebut bahawa, selain air wudhu'.....doa juga ada serinya.....sekian, Allahua'lam....
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Keep an eye on your calorie
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If your skin appears
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Take steps to help eliminate
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stress. Excessive stress is not only bad for you, but also damages your skin. Reducing emotional and environmental stresses can play a huge part in clearing up a poor complexion. Removing these stresses will also improve your overall quality of life.
Stay away from tanning
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beds if you want truly healthy, beautiful skin. Although they advertise as being safe, this type of tanning can be dangerous. Regardless of the type of UV ray emitted, it is still radiation! Avoiding tanning beds can ensure you won't age prematurely or develop skin cancer.
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Proper eating is an essential
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part of any muscle-building program. Your body requires vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates to build your muscle to be stronger and larger. Healthy, protein-rich shakes, for instance, have been proven to help rebuild muscle fibers when consumed after workouts.
Get up your nerve and Clemix Male Enhancement take some pictures of yourself in the nude every few days. When you can see yourself progress and develop through various photographs it helps, as opposed to looking in the mirror and trying to remember how you looked. Pictures will help you see how much you have accomplished throughout your program.
Make sure you stretch before Ultimate Alpha Extreme working out. If you don't stretch prior to, and after, a workout, your muscles do not get a chance to become flexible and pliable, and this can cause injury. Massages will help in relaxation and post-workout recovery.
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concerned with your beauty, you need to really pay attention to your hair. Conditioner is not an option.
Don't dry your skin with
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antibacterial soaps and a lot of scrubbing. This is especially true of leg skin. The natural oils of the skin can be removed by using germicidal soap. Scrubbing harshly or using water that's really hot may damage your skin. Use warm water with a mild soap and rub gently to keep dry skin at bay.
In weight lifting, technique Alpha Prime Elite is more important than the amount of weight being used, the speed of exercise or the frequency of workouts. Practicing each exercise in a given routine until it is mastered is essential. Start practicing with lighter weights so that you can ensure you're completing the rep correctly, and then increase the weight later when you are comfortable with your technique. This will lead to the best possible results.
You need good hydration Testshred if you are going to build muscle properly. If you're not drinking enough water, you could injure your muscles or yourself. Muscles which lack hydration will also appear smaller, will make it less likely to build mass, and keep you from your goals.
Like any other strength Horlaxen training exercise, squats require good form. Make sure you lower the bar down at the center point of the traps. Your hips, glutes and hamstrings will have to work harder and this will allow you to squat more weight.
Make sure to reapply your
ReplyDeleteMix up your routine. Doing
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ReplyDeleteskin is great, but don't neglect your feet! IF you allow your skin to dry out, it is hard to get it back to normal. Apply moisturizer thickly at bedtime and put cotton socks on over top. This keeps your feet not only soft, but callus-free as well.
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Chlorinated swimming pools Vitanoria
ReplyDeletecan be harmful and drying to the hair. Use a cap to prevent the detrimental effects of chlorine. You can avoid this damage by using fresh water to wash your hair after you swim. Use a conditioner and shampoo formulated to get rid of chlorine if you're going to swim in a pool that contains it.
If your skin is sensitive,DermaGlo
ReplyDeleteyou should find skin care products that are made specially for sensitive skin. You will want to rely on things that are hypoallergenic and free of dyes, perfumes and chemicals as these can all irritate your skin or cause a rash or breakout.
When doing squats, be XCell 180
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Work out with a television Patriot Power Greens
ReplyDeleteprogram. Watch a fitness network on TV or discover fitness shows through on-demand. By learning new exercise routines, you will stay excited about your exercise routine. If your television service does not offer such programming, see if you can purchase some workout DVDs.
Exfoliate your skin Vlamorous
ReplyDeletewith a loofah to remove the dead outer layer of skin cells. If you remove the dead skin cells, your blemishes will appear lighter and your skin will look better. Dead skin makes you look like an old person. Removing dead cells is an effective way of revitalizing your face.
Alternate sets of crunches Max Grow Xtreme
ReplyDeletewith sets of sit-ups for a better ab workout. Many people think that sit-ups aren't a good exercise. Whatever you do, don't include anchored-feet sit-ups. Your back will likely suffer from this form of sit-ups.
If you cannot find a home Parisian Secret remedy for your skin problem, go see a dermatologist. When you cannot treat a skin condition with common remedies and hygiene, you may need medical assistance. The same goes for any skin condition that you have never seen before. Always speak with a professional who understands proper skin care when it becomes difficult for you to manage on your own.
Make sure you stretch Parisian Secret
ReplyDeletebefore every workout. Warming your muscles before a workout, by stretching them, will help to prevent injuries. A good stretching routine after you finish a workout will help your muscles to relax and will keep blood flowing and bringing much needed nutrients to your tired muscles. A great tip for muscle recovery is to indulge in a regular massage, as this will ensure your muscles have an opportunity to relax.
Rather than consuming Parisian Secret
ReplyDeletea large meal during the late evening hours, consume this big meal during your lunch hour. If you usually eat a sandwich at lunchtime, try eating it at dinner instead. You burn a lot more calories in the afternoon than you do at night, so it is easier to avoid weight gain when you have a large meal in the afternoon.
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ReplyDeleteFor a more challenging run, run on the beach instead of sidewalks. Running along the beach is tougher than on grass or concrete because the sand adds resistance.
Work on improving your Alpha Plus Test Booster
ReplyDeletebicep curls. Generally, while doing bicep curls, you don't get the most benefit offered from a curl because you don't get the bar up past the point of being parallel. The problem is that the top half of such curls is where you can get the most benefit. You can fix this by doing seated barbell curls.
If you want to gain XL Test Plus
ReplyDeletemuscle mass, you should be dead-lifting, bench-pressing and squatting. All these exercises will assist you in getting in the best shape as fast as possible and build muscles. You can add more exercises to your workout regimen, but those three exercises should make up the core of it.
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ReplyDeleteOmelets are an awesome choice for breakfast. Fill yours up with healthy proteins and good veggies. Also, you will be gaining more fiber, which will curtail your appetite.
Talk to a doctor when Marvels of Nature Garcinia
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help you to get things straight so you're sure of what's wrong.
If you plan on moisturizing,Avalure Cream
ReplyDeletethe best moment for this is immediately after you bathe, and your skin is slightly wet. Your pores open in the steam, which allows them to soak up more of the moisturizer. Using a moisturizer each day will reduce the impact pollutants cause the skin on a regular basis.
Begin your workout Testo Max HD
ReplyDeleteon an empty stomach. You might get an upset stomach if you exercise right after eating. This can easily turn into a major problem and leave you feeling nauseous, and you could experience vomiting or diarrhea. Instead of eating a meal before you workout, eat a meal after you are done exercising.
Using a humidifier Renewiderm
ReplyDeletein your house during the winter months will replenish moisture in the air and help keep you skin from becoming too dry. The heat from a running furnace removes moisture from the air, which results in dry, cracked skin and static build-up in your hair. Using a humidifier will add some much-needed moisture to the air.